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Number of boxes

    Region 1      1 to 10   11 to 20    21 to 30     31 to 100 

  1. Bangladesh      $25         $15            $5            FREE         Shipping Charge

  2. Maldives

  3. Myanmar

  4. Nepal

  5. Oman

  6. Qatar

  7. Sri Lanka

  8. United Arab Emirates

                                             Number of boxes

    Region 2     1 to 10   11 to 20    21 to 30    31 to 100 

  1. Bahrain        $30         $20          $10           FREE      Shipping Charge

  2. Bhutan

  3. Bulgaria (Rep.)

  4. Cambodia

  5. China

  6. Croatia

  7. Czech Rep.

  8.  Korea (North)

  9. Djibouti

  10. Egypt

  11. Ethiopia

  12. Greece

  13. Iraq

  14. Italy

  15. Japan

  16. Jordan

  17. Kenya

  18. Korea (Rep.) South

  19. Kuwait

  20. Lao People's Dem. Rep.

  21. Lebanon

  22. Lesotho

  23. Luxembourg

  24. Malaysia

  25. Pakistan

  26. Palestine

  27. Philippines

  28. Rwanda

  29. Saudi Arabia

  30. Singapore

  31. Slovakia

  32. Slovenia

  33. Sudan

  34. Swaziland

  35. Taiwan

  36. Tanzania (United Rep.)

  37. Thailand

  38. Timor Leste (Dem. Rep.)

  39. Uganda

  40. Vatican

  41. Viet Nam

                                                       Number of boxes 

     Region 3        1 to 10    11 to 20     21 to 30     31 to 90    91 to 100 

  1. Congo (Rep.)     $30        $20            $10          FREE           $10     Shipping Charge

  2. Gibraltar

  3. Seychelles

  4. Syrian Arab Rep.

  5. Turkmenistan

  6. Yemen

                                                 Number of boxes

     Region 4      1 to 10   11 to 20   21 to 30  31 to 40   41 to 100 

  1. Afghanistan    $35       $25            $15         $5          FREE   Shipping Charge

  2. Armenia

  3. Austria

  4. Belarus

  5. Belgium

  6. Bermuda

  7. Brunei Darussalam

  8. Denmark

  9. Equatorial Guinea

  10. Finland

  11. France

  12. Germany

  13. Hong Kong - China

  14. Hungary (Rep)

  15. Indonesia

  16. Iran

  17. Ireland

  18. Israel

  19. Kazakhstan

  20. Macao, China

  21. Malta

  22. Moldova

  23. Netherlands

  24. Norway

  25. Poland

  26. Portugal

  27. Romania

  28. Somalia

  29. Spain

  30. Sweden

  31. Switzerland

  32. Turkey

                                                  Number of boxes 

      Region 5     1 to 10    11 to 20   21 to 30   31 to 40   41 to 80   81 to 90   91 to 100 

  1. Azerbaijan      $35           $25         15           $5           FREE           $5          $10    Shipping Charge

  2. Cyprus

  3. Angola

  4. Algeria

  5. Mauritius

  6. Malawi

  7. Australia

                                                             Number of boxes 

   Region 6   1 to 10   11 to 20    21 to 30   31 to 40   41 to 70    71 to 80   81 to 90   91 to 100 

  1. Eritrea       $35        $25          $15          $5           FREE           $5            $10        $15.  Shipping Charge

  2. Mongolia

  3. South Africa

                                                               Number of boxes 

       Region 7     1 to 10   11 to 20   21 to 30   31 to 60   61 to 70   71 to 80   81 to 90   91 to 100 

  1. Dem.Congo     $35       $25         $15          $5          $10          $15          $20         $25   Shipping Charge

  2. Great Britain

  3. Ivory Coast (Rep

  4. Kyrgyzstan

  5. Latvia

  6. Namibia

  7. New Zealand

  8. Niger

  9. Russian Fed.

  10. Sao Tome and Principe

  11. Senegal

  12. Tajikistan

  13. Togo

  14. Tunisia

                                                   Number of boxes 

    Region 8    1 to 10  11 to 20   21 to 30   31 to 50   51 to 80   81 to 90   91 to 100 

  1. Albania        $35       $25        $15           $10         $20          $30        $40  Shipping Charge

  2. Bosnia & Herzegovina

  3. Botswana

  4. Cuba

  5. El Salvador

  6. Estonia

  7. Gambia

  8. Georgia

  9. Ghana

  10. Guinea-Bissau

  11. Iceland

  12. Lithuania

  13. Mexico

  14. Montenegro

  15. Solomon Islands

  16. The Former Yugoslav Rep. of Macedonia

  17. Ukraine

  18. Uzbekistan

  19. Vanuatu

  20. Venezuela

                                                              Number of boxes 

   Region 9  1 to 10   11 to 20   21 to 60    61 to 70   71 to 80   81 to 90   91 to 100 

  1. Benin        $35        $25        $20          $25          $35          $45         $55    Shipping Charge

  2. Burkina Faso

  3. Burundi

  4. Canada

  5. Cape Verde

  6. Central African Rep.

  7. Chad

  8. Gabon

  9. Guatemala

  10. Guinea

  11. Libyan Jamahiriya

  12. Madagascar

  13. Nigeria

  14. United States of America

                                                             Number of boxes 

     Region 10   1 to 10   11 to 60   61 to 70   71 to 80    81 to 90   91 to 100 

  1. Argentina       $35        $30          $40          $50          $60         $75   Shipping Charge

  2. Ascension

  3. Belize

  4. Brazil

  5. Cameroon

  6. Ecuador

  7. Honduras Rep

  8. Kiribati

  9. Mali

  10. Mauritania

  11. Morocco

  12. Nauru

  13. Nicaragua

  14. Saint Pierre and Miquelon

  15. Serbia

  16. Tuvalu

  17. Uruguay

  18. Wallis and Futuna

  19. Zambia

                                                           Number of boxes 

   Region 11   1 to 30   31 to 50   51 to 60   61 to 70    71 to 80    81 to 90    91 to 100 

  1. Bahamas     $35        $25         $35         $45          $65           $85           $105   Shipping Charge

  2. Chile

  3. Colombia

  4. Cote d'Ivoire Rep.

  5. Dominica

  6. Grenada

  7. Haiti

  8. Liberia

  9. Montserrat

  10. Mozambique

  11. Paraguay

  12. Peru

  13. Snt. Christopher and Nevis

  14. Snt. Lucia

  15. Turks and Caicos Island

  16. Zimbabwe

                                                Number of boxes 

  Region 12   1 to 50    51 to 60    61 to 70    71 to 80    81 to 90   91 to 100 

  1. Aruba          $40      $55           $65          $90           $110        $130   Shipping Charge

  2. French Guiana

  3. Guadeloupe

  4. Papua New Guinea

  5. Sierra Leone

  6. Snt. Vincent and the Grenadines

                                                    Number of boxes 

    Region 13   1 to 30   31 to 40   41 to 50   51 to 60   61 to 70   71 to 80   81 to 90    91 to 100 

  1. Anguilla        $40        $50         $60          $70         $80         $110        $150        $190  Shipping Charge

  2. Cayman Island

  3. Fiji

  4. Netherlands Antilles

  5. Re-union

  6. St. Helena

  7. Tonga (including Niuafo'ou)

  8. Tristan da Cuhna

  9. Virgin Island

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